Chipset: AR5005G
Interface: PCI
Antenna Connector: Yes
Device Information: lspci: Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5005G 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)
Rev: taken form the card: 1.5E
Notes: Works on Debian SID with "madwifi-ng-r2197-20070313" with WEP encription enabled. WPA2 also works!
Notes: Couldn't find it on MSI, they only have info on PC54G3 with a different picture. Mine says PC54G3 II (on the package and on the radio unit)
Notes: Works with driver supplied with Debian Etch without any problems with WPA2 using the wpa_supplicant supplied with Etch.
Notes: Works perfectly on openSuSe 10.2 with WPA with MSI PC54G3 II.
Notes: Works well with KnoppMyth? R5F1 with WPA.
Notes: Works perfectly on gentoo with 2.6.20-r8 and madwifi-ng- and wireless-tools-28 and networkmanager-0.6.5.
Notes: Works perfectly on the EMC2 live CD installed on HDD from based on Ubuntu 6.06.1 using the pre-compiled madwifi driver with WAP
Notes: Some shops claim to sell this card with a different chipset (Ralink), see for example (German page, chipset is "Chipsatz" in German) --- Site doesn't exist anymore
Notes: opensuse 10.3 works fine with wpa-psk


Chipset: AR5005G
Interface: PCI
Antenna: Yes
Notes: Works perfectly on the WinXP PRO with SP2 with airodump-ng and aircrack-ng, and with commview for wifi
Notes: Works perfectly on the RedHat? Linux with 2.4.21-4 and madwifi Chrysostomos
Notes: Works perfectly as AP on the CRUX 2.4 ,hostapd 0.5.10 and madwifi 0.9.4 WPA TKIP